5 Reasons Morning Routines Set You Up for Success

Don’t have a morning routine built into your daily life yet? 

Then you leave a lot of potential out in the field. Putting your alarm clock a little bit earlier and creating a clear structure in your morning has so many advantages that you can no longer ignore the implementation of a decent morning routine in your life.

Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.
– Richard Whately

The morning routine performing a daily ritual of half an hour to an hour to become hyper-productive in life, day in and day out. It might seem too good to be true. 

But it’s no coincidence that there is one thing that the most successful members of the Earth have in common. Just think of Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Bill & Melinda Gates, Jeff Bezos, … All of them have their own morning ritual that gives them a head start over their competitors and helps them to be the successful businessmen we know today.

Benefits Of A Morning Routine On Your Well-Being:


With your morning routine, you set an example for others and motivate them to copy your lifestyle and take advantage of it. This undoubtedly gives your own motivation and self-confidence a boost, which is also good for your self-image!

Self-confidence is important to both your physical health and your psychological well-being. When you believe in yourself you’re more likely to try new things, devote your time and energy to tasks that matter, make good lifestyle choices, and foster healthy relationships.

2- Improved Productivity:

Developing the perfect morning routine 
 that maximizes your lifestyle and predilections  while squeezing the most productivity out of your days it is a trial-and-error process. You have to know yourself in order to customize the best morning routine, and one size doesn’t fit all. 

For example: Do you need coffee to even get into the shower? If the answer is a resounding "yes," consider building it into your routine by preparing your coffee maker the night before. That way, you can wake up and immediately hit the “on” switch.

3- Better Stress Level:

Thanks to your morning routine, you’ll experience less stress, have more time to relax and your mental and physical well-being will get a strong boost. After all, increased stress levels have a major impact on your physical health and increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Having a routine can be helpful at any time, particularly if you are trying to establish healthy habits, but these routines can be particularly important when aspects of your life feel uncertain. The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically altered many people’s normal routines, which makes it that much harder to cope with the stress that people are feeling. 

4- Better Relationship With Family:

Routines can be part of an organized and predictable home environment, which helps children and teenagers feel safe, secure and looked after. And a predictable family life can also help children cope during development changes like puberty, or life events like the birth of a new child, divorce, illness or a house move. 

Also, routines built around having fun or spending time together foster a sense of belonging and strengthen family relationships. For example, reading a story together before bed, sharing regular family meals or having a kick with your child before soccer practice can be special time for you and your child.

5- Better Health:

Setting a morning routine and following it gives you the chance to move through the motions of healthy activities in autopilot mode. Over time, you will find yourself adding some more good habits that become a great start to the day. Practice healthy habits, such as exercising or stretching instead of reaching for your phone the minute you wake up. 

The effects of these bad habits can overflow into other areas of your life as well. When you establish a morning routine, it helps you physically, mentally, and spiritually. The routine allows you to control your day rather than the opposite happening. Being healthier is the result of just a little bit of extra planning. Set your alarm clock a little earlier and suddenly you have time to exercise in the morning and having a good breakfast. A habit that will quickly and permanently benefit you.

The Bottom Line:

When you start your day on the right note, you feel confident enough to tackle these changes and challenges in the best possible way. Your problem-solving skills improve, and you will find that you don't become stressed very quickly. The morning routine habit will help ensure you are better prepared to tackle your day calmly and without becoming fazed.


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