Nutrients That Strengthens Your Bones

Nutrients play a role in bone health, such as calcium, vitamin D. protein, Magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. If you eat a healthy diet( with lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and lean proteins), you will get enough of most nutrients needed to keep your bones healthy and functioning well. But some nutrients require extra effort to ensure adequate intake when we are older. Some have scientifically proven benefits, others may have benefits, but there us no research to back that up. Focus on nutrients with solid scientific evidence of need and benefit. The purpose of this blog is to identify specific nutritional components of bone health, the effect on bone, the level of ability, and the implication of supplementation for each nutritional component. 

Nutrients Relay Causing Bone Health Problems:

You may hear of other nutrients when it comes to bone health, like boron, copper and silicon. These nutrients are found in many foods and are only needed in trace amounts. Deficiency rarely occurs unless you have intestinal absorption problems.

Essential Nutrients Your Body Needs For Building Bones:

Eat a well-rounded diet and play special attention to calcium, vitamin D and protein. You will get enough of most nutrients needed to keep your bones healthy and functioning well.


People who consume up and 100 grams of protein daily, as long as this is balanced  with plenty of plant foods and adequate calcium intake. We call proteins the building block of life. They give cell structure, power chemical reaction throughout the body, build and repair skin, muscles and bones. The nutritional value of protein is measured by the quantity of essential amino acid it contains. People following a strict vegetarian or vegan diet need to choose a variety of protein sources from a combination of plant foods every day to make sure they get an adequate mic of essential amino acids.

Foods That Provide Protein:

Some food sources of dietary protein include:

》Fish and seafood: Lobster, mussels, scallops, calms, fish, prawns, crab


》Lean meats: Beef, lamb, veal

》Nuts and seeds: Almonds, pine nuts, macadamias, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds and sun flowers.

》Dairy Products: Yoghurt, cheese, milk

》Beans and legumes: chickpeas, spilt peas, tofu, lentils and all beans.

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is important for many body systems, especially bones. Our bodies make vitamin D when sunlight turns a chemical in the skin into vitamin D3, which the body then transforms into an active form of vitamin D. But be careful sun exposure, if it's longer than few minutes, you will need sunscreen to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Children and adults with low vitamin D levels tend to have lower bone density and are more at risk for boss loss than people who get enough. Government advice is that everyone should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement during the autumn and winter.

Food That Provide Vitamin D:

》Beef Liver

》Dairy products, soy milk, cheese and cereals

》Orange juice

》Egg yolks

》Red meat

》Oily fish: salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel


Calcium is a mineral that people need to build and maintain strong bones and teeth. It is also very important for other physical functions, such as muscle control and blood circulation. We don't make calcium on our own, it comes form dietary sources which are the safest and most effective or calcium supplies, thinning the bones. Calcium needs vary with age. Your bones continually break down and rebuild. Before age 30, the rate that you build bone is higher than the rate that you break it down. Beyond age 30, the rates reverse. This is why people who are elderly have more brittle bones that are more at risk of breaking.

Foods That Are Rich In Calcium:

》Dairy products: Milk, Yoghurt(vanilla yoghurt), cheese(cottage cheese, cheddar cheese)

》Sardines and canned salmon


》Beans and lentils


》Fortified drinks

The Bottom Line:

Having strong bones is something people tend to take for granted, as symptoms often don't appear until bone loss is advanced. Bone health is important at all stages of life. There are many nutrition and lifestyle habits that can help build and maintain strong bones, and it's never too early to start. The health and strength of our bones rely on a balances diet and steady stream of nutrients most importantly, calcium and vitamin D.

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