Cardinal Causes Of Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings are extremely common, especially in women. Infect a research shows that 97% of women and 68% of men report experiencing some sort of food craving including the cravings of sugar. Sugar contributes to chronic inflammation, which plays a negative role in almost every function of your body. Study found that eating 100 grams of sugar reduced the white blood cells ability to fight bacteria by up to 50%. There are no actual health benefits to eating sugar, its addictive qualities made it hard to give up.

Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Sugar:

Consuming too much sugar, especially from sugary beverages, increase your risk of weight gain and can lead to visceral fat accumulation. It increases heart disease risk such as obesity, high blood pressure, and inflammation. High-sugar diet have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Sugar is fine for you in small amounts, but too much can lead to weight gain, acne, type 2 diabetes and can increase your risk of several serious medical conditions. High-sugar diet lead to obesity and insulin resistance, both f which are risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

A diet rich in added sugar and ultra processed foods may increase depression risk both in men and women. It can accellerate the shorting of telomeres which increase cellular aging, and it have negative impact on your energy by causing spike in blood sugar followed by a crash.

Common Cause Of Sugar Cravings:

Sugar cravings are one of the most common cravings. It can strike seemingly random, and more than one culprit may be responsible. Fortunately, of you understand why sugar cravings occur, there are plenty of ways that can help to mitigate them.

Some Potential Causes:


Stress is linked to sugar cravings in two ways: emotional cues and physical cues. From emotional cues perspective, sugar is a comfort food that provide a temporary escape from stress situation. From physical cues perspective, the consumption of sugar increase our dopamine levels, giving us temporary boost in pleasure. When level of cortisol, the so called stress hormone increase, consuming sugar can provide a hit of dopamine.


Lack of water consumption is often mistaken for sugar cravings and hunger pains. Research found that people respond inappropriately to hunger and thirst cues 62 percent of the time. For example, they were thirsty, not hungry, but they ate anyway. Our bodies crave sugar to provide us energy with a quick source of energy when we actually just need to drink a little more water.

Poor Diet Quality/ Digestion:

Although many people think they can eat whatever they want, and their digestive tract will sort out the rest out. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Our digestive system is delicate. Diet quality plays an important role in trigging sugar cravings. For Example, over consumption of refined carbohydrates can lead to sugar cravings. If you are eating highly processed carbohydrates, poor quality proteins, processed poor quality fats, that going to lead to devasting effects on the diversity and the healthfulness of the amount of beneficial bacteria in you gut.

Hormonal Changes:

Hormones cortisol and epinephrine are released by the adrenal glands, we pump out cortisol and stay on high alert, even when there is not imminent danger around the corner. This taxes your adrenals and create a serious hormonal imbalance, raising blood pressure and increasing insulin levels for women craving of sugar can be in part a result of hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and estradiol.

The Bottom Line:

Sugar cravings affect almost everyone. The key to dealing with the sugar cravings is to start with he understanding why you are getting them in the first place. Adding more, artificial sweeteners might  momentarily satisfy your sweet cravings, but they trick your body into thinking it's getting fuel when it is not. Choosing healthier, whole food lead to choosing more healthy whole foods, no matter what the craving! 

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