Best Foods For Brain Power

The brain is an energy intensive organ, using around 20% of body's calories, so it need plenty of good fuel to maintain concentration throughout the day. Eating well is good for your physical health as well as your mental health. Eating a brain booster diet can support both short and long-term brain functions. But which food are particularly important to keep your grey matter happy and healthy?

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that include these 7 everyday brain boosting foods may help your memory, concentration and focus as sharp as can be.

1- Fatty Fish:

Fatty fish contain omega-3s and it play a vital role in cell health, communication, development of brain tissues, better sleep and cognition. Because our bodies can't make omega-3s, it is essential that we get them through our diet. The largest improvements in brain function were seen when higher level of both types of omega-3s fatty acids were present in the blood stream. Omega-3 supplements may help prevent and treat depression an anxiety.

2- Coffee:

Drinking coffee on a regular basis appears to enhance concentration and improve motor control and alertness by creating changes in the brain. it's a myth that coffee causes dehydration. It has a mild diuretic effect that makes you pee, but that's balance by the fact that its mostly water. For most people, if you drink a moderate amount of coffee between 38 and 400mg of caffeine, or 0.3 to 4 cups of brewed coffee the brain benefits outweigh any risk of dehydration.

3- Blueberries:

Blueberries are packed with flavonoids, which are plant compounds that offer a variety of health benefits. They are rich in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that gives these berries their characteristic color. Researchers now believe flavonoids affect cognition by interacting with proteins that are integral to brain-cell structure and function. Eating berries is healthful and may help your brain to improve your memory. The latest research indicates that we are eating more berries than in past. Take small steps to include berries on your cereal for breakfast, include berries in a smoothie for lunch, or try adding berries to a salad, main dish or dessert for dinner. Berries provide a healthful addition to you brain.

4- Broccoli:

Broccoli has high levels of vitamins, antioxidants, anticancer compounds and fiber. Its rich reserves of nutrients also make it one of the best food for your brain. As broccoli is rich in compounds called glucosinolates. When body breaks these down, they produce isothiocyanates. A Chinese study publishes in Genesis medical journal noted that sulforaphane in broccoli has significant effect on the creation of differentiation and proliferation of brain stem cells. When it is administered into the body, the chemicals helps in reducing swelling or oedema in the brain.

5- Dark Chocolate:

Eating dark chocolate can not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also improve your mood, memory, focus and even immune system. Flavonoids, a type of chemical found in plants are responsible for many of the cognitive and physical health benefits of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate includes Magnesium, which is known to reduce stress, consuming an adequate amount of magnesium each day is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. It boosts the production of feel-good chemicals called endorphins.

6- Nuts:

Nut consumption is associated with better cognitive performance, with greater benefits observed in those with higher, long-term total nut intake and in those with the highest consumption of nuts. They are associated with a reduced risk of depression and better mood state in the general population. Hazelnuts contain a high concentration of vitamin E, which is why researchers believe that regular intake could potentially reduce cognitive decline. Peanuts are high in niacin. Walnuts are the top nut for brain health. They have significantly high concentration of DHA, a type of Omega-3 fatty acid. If you don't have an allergy to nuts, including them into your diet may provide you with some brain boosting benefits.

7- Green Tea:

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages consumed worldwide and has been used for thousands of years. One of the main ingredients in green tea is caffeine, caffeine can block a chemical messenger in the brain called adenosine. The reviewed studies presented  evidence that green tea influences psychopathological symptoms(e.g. reduction of anxiety), cognition(e.g. benefits in memory and attention) and brain function. Drinking at least two daily cups of green tea was tied to the lowest risk of cognitive impairment. Green tea and its extracts are capable of guarding against age-related brain dysfunction and risk for dementia.

The Bottom Line:

The food listed above may help improve a person's memory and concentration. Some may also reduce the risk of stroke and age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Some of the foods contain compounds such as healthy fatty acids, which can help improve the structure of brain called neurons. Eating a brain-boosting diet will also provide many benefits for the entire body.

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